Mount Pleasant Farmers Market Guidelines
How to prepare + stay safe at the market!
D.C. Mayor’s Guidance for Farmers Market Customers
Help us keep the farmers markets a safe place to access healthy food.
We encourage all customers to:
• Stay home if they feel ill, have symptoms, or have been exposed to the virus.
• All customers are required to wear a non-medical cloth mask to the farmers markets.
• Keep proper distance from food displays and surfaces and follow social distance requirements.
• Order ahead to limit the time spent at the market.
• Explore home delivery from local farms and food hubs.
• Only send one family member from each household to the market.
• Leave children, seniors, and other vulnerable family members at home.
• Leave pets at home.
This info is provided by the Mt. Pleasant Farmers Market manager.
Mount Pleasant St Plaza at 17th & Lamont
Dear Friends of the Mount Pleasant Farmers' Market: We want you to be well and stay healthy. Eating healthy is an important part of wellness. Our Farmers’ Market is a needed food source during this crisis, and we are permitted to be open, but with a number of safety restrictions. During this health emergency the Market will open as vendors are ready, 8:30ish until 1p, to allow more time for shoppers to spread out the timing of their visit.
This will be a restricted Market… Shop & Go Home! There will be limited access, only 25 at any time, entrance at 17th & Lamont. ONE PERSON per household. DC requires that you MUST wear facial covering, & gloves. Keep your visit simple & short. Please keep the kids, dogs, family members, & friends at home. It’s been great to see the neighborhood out enjoying the spring weather, but the Market Plaza for the next few weekends is NOT for socializing.
Be very aware of social distancing while shopping and checking out. Maintain 6’ separation on lines to shop and lines to checkout. Wipes, gloves, sanitizers, etc. will be available, but you are encouraged to bring your own.
Yes, all of this is a pain, but we gotta do it. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Please support and thank our vendors & their staff for helping provide you with good food. This is big risk for them too.
Market Volunteers Needed – With the controlled entrance & exits, the Pre-Paid Bag Pick-Up Station, and the strict 6' spacing at vendor stalls, volunteers are needed to help monitor for these DC guidelines. Volunteers who are willing to assist, please email MtPFarmersMarket@gmail.com or text 202-643-3010. Volunteers needed from 8a to 1p for whatever time slots you are able to provide.
No plastic bags – Please bring your own reusable bags & produce containers for shopping, and reusable containers if you bring compost.
Market Events:
Bike Clinic – Look for a pop-up at the Bike Share / H8 bus stop location. They are always looking for more people who want to help others with their bike maintenance, stop by and talk to us at the Market table.
Music: None for the time being.
Compost – 9a-1p New location: North of Market at Bike Share /H8 bus stop. See what is allowed: dpw.dc.gov/foodwastedropoff Check with the city’s contractor, Compost Cab, a MtP biz, for updates: compostcab.com/dropoff twitter.com/CompostCab The Mount Pleasant Compost effort is looking for assistance with compost collection on Saturdays, monitoring the collections and helping to transport the compost carts. Helping in other ways with the Market's compost collection efforts is also appreciated. Donations appreciated. Compost Commanders are needed to help save the world, one banana peel at time.... Sign-up: <www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E49ADA929A3FC1-compost> or contact: MtPFarmersMarket@gmail.com or stop by the Market.