Help Build a Village Water Tower in Togo, West Africa
Join us in supporting Farmer Mike's friend, collaborator and inspirational farmer, Leonard Mingoube, as he builds an aquaculture water tower in his village.
Letter from Farmer Mike
Hello Friends,
In the 90s I served 3 years as a peace Corps Volunteer in Togo, West Africa. During my time there I worked on many projects, but my favorite and longest lasting was a collaboration was with an inspirational farmer, who chose to return to the his family farm after he completed University, and raise his family out of poverty. In doing so, he has also inspired many others to do the same. Together we created a school for other farmers, and the ripple effect has had a profound impact in his village.
This project is for the construction of a water tower with solar pump and plumbing. It is the last phase of an aquaculture project at a West African school for farmers. The farmer who runs the school has already dug the well (by hand) and constructed the tanks for the tilapia fish which will be raised there.
Please consider donating for this worthwhile project that will help educate and feed villagers in Togo, West Africa.
Here is the project description in the words of West African farmer Leonard Mingoube. (Translated from French)
Project title: Construction and equipment of a water tower for fish farming
Project location: The project will be implemented in the Savanes region, Tône prefecture, in the Canton of Dapaong, in the village of Nanoume, 5 km from the national road N ° 1 Dapaong-Cikanssé from Djapiéni. Northern Togo, West Africa.
Mr. Leonard MINGOUBE
Address: CDIH (The Center for Human Development)
BP. 13 Dapaong-Togo, West Africa
Tel: 90 29 35 24
History: The field of activity is fish farming, but our farm is mainly specialized in the production of poultry, small ruminants, pigs, the cultivation of cereals and training in rural classes for farmers. Given the strengths available to our production site, we are thinking of diversifying production towards fish farming.
Means Used: The farm has land secured by a fence and a positive borehole of 35m3 of water per hour. The promoter is an agricultural technician and entrepreneur who has had training in fish farming in tropical areas initiated by INADES-field classes.
The strengths and / or opportunities that motivate us to seek funding are:
✔ The availability of land,
✔ The availability of water,
✔ The promoter's experience in agricultural entrepreneurship,
✔ The availability of the fish market,
✔ Training of the promoter in fish farming in the sub sahel of West Africa.
✔ The promoter's passion for fish farming activities.
Innovation: Nanoume people are mainly agricultural, but nowadays the land has lost its productive power due to soil degradation and climate change. In this precarious situation, it is women and young people who are the most victims because they do not have enough land to carry out their activities, hence the initiative to create an income-generating activity through the processing and marketing of fish. In this logic, it is necessary for a fish farm to produce fish for them for processing.
Objective: The general objective of this project is to create an income-generating activity for the women and young people of Nanoume through the sale of fish from the farm.
The specific objectives of our project are:
✔ Create another source of income for women and young people
✔ Provide populations with fish in quantity and quality
✔ Diversify farm activities by introducing fish farming
✔ Increase farm income
✔ Create jobs for young people
✔ Help fight against malnutrition in the region
The project will be implemented as follows:
● Construction of a water tower,
● The purchase and installation of a 12,000 liter polytank (3000 gallons)
● Installation of the pump and its accessories.
Budget: $9211.00
Please email Mike Nolan for specific information about the budget for this project: nolan.mg@gmail.com